Displaying 61 - 90 of 99 in total
Electric cars, smart cities and large corporations (Is the road to hell paved with convenience)?
This podcast is based on a blog titled: “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better” which was published by the World Economic Forum
The Moon (A conspiracy theory)
Ok I am just going to come out and say it…I don’t think we landed on the moon. That’s right, I said it! I believe that the greatest achievement in human history is a c...
German Purity Law of 1516 (A conspiracy within a conspiracy, within a conspiracy)
This episode goes deep into the conspiracy about beer and how it is used to make us (specifically men) weak, numb and depressed. Also I learned that hipster microbrew ...
Special announcement - Podcast Gear Available
Welcome. Just wanted to do a quick check in with everyone and make a special announcement.
Is Healing a Bad Word?
Healing is and will be a necessary part of your journey but should it be your main focus? In this episode I want to talk about healing, not so much the process but ...
La Última Ceremonia - Part 2 (The beginning)
This is part 2 of the podcast series called La Última Ceremonia which is about my 3-week trip to the Amazon Jungle where I opened up a 3-month learning diet with a pla...
La Última Ceremonia - Part 1 (The last ceremony)
So this is part 1 of the podcast series called La Última Ceremonia (The end is just the beginning), which is about my 3-week trip to the amazon Jungle where I opened u...
La Última Ceremonia - Introduction (The end is just the beginning)
Ok so this is the Introduction episode to a podcast series call La Última Ceremonia (the end is just the beginning) which is a series about my 3-week trip to the amazo...
In the beginning was the WORD
Words are the bridge between the mental and physical planes of existence. Words are the vehicle that takes thoughts and ideas and turns them into reality. The words we...
Allegory of The Truman Show
How can you be sure that you are not living in some sort of a false or fabricated reality? A great movie that tries to tackle this question is The Truman Show. ...
The Principle of Gender (Alchemy part 9)
This is episode 29, The Principle of Gender which is principle number 7 of the seven hermetic principles. We made it, the last principle. The Principle of Gender st...
The Principle of Cause and Effect (Alchemy part 8)
The Principle of Cause and Effect states that: "Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a ...
The Principle of Rhythm (Alchemy part 7)
This episode is about the Principle of Rhythm which is principle number 5 of the seven hermetic principles. The principle of rhythm states that: "Everything flow...
The Principle of Polarity (Alchemy part 6)
The principle of Polarity states that: "Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; op...
The Principle of Vibration (Alchemy part 5)
This episode is about the principle of vibration which is principle number 3 of the seven hermetic principles. The principle of vibration states that: "Nothing r...
The Principle of Correspondence (Alchemy part 4)
The Principle of Correspondence states: “As above so below; as below, so above”.
The Principle of Mentalism (Alchemy part 3)
This is Alchemy part 3, The Principle of Mentalism which is principle numero uno of the 7 Hermetic principles. The Principle of Mentalism states That The Universe is M...
The Kybalion (Alchmey Part 2)
The Kybalion, one of the most widely read and influential books on the study of Hermeticism. The Kybalion is based upon the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus and contai...
When most people think about alchemy their initial thought is usually that of turning lead into gold. And the second thought is usually of the philosophers stone Ho...
The Night Sky (Random Thoughts)
A couple of weeks ago I was celebrating my birthday the only way I know how...As I was enjoying my night in deep contemplation I was staring up at the night sky and a ...
Gnosticism (Creation Myths part 3)
Ok so what is gnosticism? Well gnosis is actually an ancient greek word meaning knowledge. So with that in mind, gnosticism is an ancient religious idea that e...
Sumerian (Creation Myths Part 2)
You might find it extremely interesting that the oldest writing we have on record is about some really weird shit! It’s basically about an advanced alien race that liv...
Creation Myths - Adam and Eve (Part 1)
The Story of Adam and Eve once you dig past the surface you realize that it's more than just a simple creation story, it's the story of humans becoming consciously awa...
Right now April 26, 2020 we are in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic which has basically shut the entire world down. The consequence of this pandemic threatens not o...
Doors of Perception (Unplugging from the Matrix)
In the book Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley discusses the idea that our Brain acts just like a reducing valve. Our brain takes in information but before we become c...
The Importance of finding a Great Teacher
Not all teaching methods are created equal. And better methods produce better students. The flip side to this is that there are better ways to learn, and that not ...
Have you ever had the realization that you just can’t do it all? The world is a HUGE place filled with LOTS of people you will never meet, cultures you will never u...
Get A Hobby, Change Your Life
There are lots of ways to develop yourself physically, the truth is that any physical movement you do is way better than doing nothing at all. However not all methods ...
Recycling Sham (Shadow Work)
We have a massive plastic problem on this planet. Today we produce 380 million tons of plastic. The world is essentially drowning in a sea of plastic. The solution to ...
Civilized to Death (Shadow Work)
In this episode I talk about some of the themes contained in the book “Civilized to Death” by Christopher Ryan. As I have mentioned before (and will most likely say ag...