The Principle of Correspondence (Alchemy part 4)

The Principle of Correspondence states: “As above so below; as below, so above”.
The Principle of Correspondence states: “As above so below; as below, so above”.

This principle is not only the most popular, it may also be the most important. Now in reality we can’t really say one principle is better than the other because all 7 of the principles work congruently with each other. However the principle of correspondence is extremely important because it gives us a big insight into how this game is played

In fact, there are actually two aspects of this principle which give us a lot of insight, one has to do with our external reality which can be thought of as our environment or nature and the other has to do with our own personal reality. 

So The statement:

“As above so below; as below, so above” - Corresponds to the laws of our external environment or the laws of Nature.

And the second aspect of this principle states: 
“As within so without; as without so within” - This statement corresponds to the laws that govern our own personal reality.

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