Are We Under Attack? (Part 4: The Education System)


Welcome to The Deeper You Go, The Weirder It Gets. I'm your host, Garett Renon. So this is part four of Are We Under Attack, Where I asked Chad GPT how an evil organization, a k a the ruling class, would go about controlling a population without anyone knowing. So in this episode, we expose the dark side of our education system, a system designed not to foster critical thinking or unlock our potential, but to mold us into obedient cogs in a much larger machine. So before we start, as always, I have some announcements.


First, if you are enjoying and want to support the show, please share it with a friend and make sure you subscribe and leave a review. A few other ways to support are you can get some podcast gear, you can sign up for the newsletter, or you can get some organic pine pollen or a Elysian tallow. And I want to talk about the pine pollen real quick. See, I often get asked if it works. And my answer is always the same.


Yes. It works. In fact, it is one of the best supplements I've ever taken. I would even go as far as saying it's life changing, but there's a catch. And there's always a catch.


Right? See, the pine pollen only works if you do the work, which ironically seems to be a universal truth for just about anything. In other words, there is no such thing as a biological free lunch which which means you can't just take a pill, a substance, or a shot and sit on your butt and reap the rewards. That's not how it works. If you want to improve, if you want to get stronger, if you want more energy, if you want to look better naked, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes.


You have to be willing to put down the junk food. You have to be willing to stop drinking alcohol. You have to be willing to exercise on a consistent basis. And you will need to you will also you you need to be willing to prioritize your sleep and eat healthy food. And if you're willing to do those things, pine pollen 100% works.


In fact, it's absolutely amazing. But if you are not willing to do the work, then you will still receive some benefit but it won't really be all that noticeable. But that's true for any supplement or product. So if you're ready for a change, get some pineballing and go to work. If not, then don't waste your money.


It makes no difference to me. See, I am only here to help those who are willing to put in the effort. So if you want pine pollen and you want 20% off your next order, sign up for my newsletter. And how do you sign up? Well, send me an email, which is located in the show notes.


Anyway, that's it for now. So let's get into the episode. Alright. So I've been doing something recently that I never expected. I have been substitute teaching.


See, over the last six months, I've been in elementary schools, middle schools, even high schools. And let me tell you, it's definitely been eye opening. See, the last time I was in school as a student was about twenty five years ago, which is crazy to think about. So as I was heading back into the classroom, I was curious to see how things have changed. I mean, it's been nearly three decades.


Surely, our education system has evolved. Right? Well, apparently not. See, aside from all the kids now having Chromebooks, it seems like and feels like the same old system. Same dull classrooms, same dull artwork covering the walls, same uncomfortable desks, same dry erase boards, same propaganda lay laced textbooks, and worst of all, the same unhealthy food being served in the cafeteria.


Actually, the food is way worse. Honestly, it's quite depressing. See, twenty five years is a long time. Think about it. Growing up, we we we imagine the future as this bright technological utopia.


Right? And remember Back to the Future two? I mean, if you were around my age, then you were mesmerized by this movie. This movie convinced us that by 2015, we'd have hoverboards, flying cars, and holograms. And here we are in 2025.


Sure. We got iPhones. We got the Internet. And now we have AI. But let's be real.


Things feel pretty much the same. And when it comes to our schools, they're they are the same, if not worse. But don't just take my word for it. Let's talk numbers. Right?


See, in America, we love to think we are the best at everything. America. Fuck yeah. But but the scoreboard seems to be telling us a different story. See, The US ranks ninth in reading, sixteenth in science, and a brutal thirty fourth in math.


And that's not even scratching the surface. We also rank thirty second in life expectancy. We have the highest obesity rate, the highest suicide rate, and our incarceration rate is also the highest in the world. See, when it comes to these lifestyle metrics, we are nowhere near being considered the best country in the world, and we're continuing to fall behind at a faster and faster rate, and yet the system just keeps chugging along unbothered and unchanged. Now there are several reasons why America is in such bad shape, but a big portion of the blame is on the school system because it's the foundation on which our society is built.


In fact, this society can only be as strong as its education system and a failing school system leads to a failing nation. So that begs the question, why? Alright? Why is the system failing so badly? And is this system failing just a coincidence or is there something darker and more sinister at play?


And I definitely have my thoughts on this, but first, I'm curious what our boy, Chatt GPT, thinks of all of this. So let's find out. So, again, using the same premise as part one, two, and three, I asked Chad GPT how an evil organization, a k a the ruling class, would use the education system as part of their plan to control the population. And just like the last three times, this is the gift that keeps on giving. Its answers are mind blowing, dark, surprisingly truthful, and extremely dystopian.


And again, I had it write its answers in an entertaining way suitable for a podcast. So here's what it came up with. So it came up with a title for its answer, and the title was The Invisible Curriculum, How Education Shapes More Than We Think. So here's what Chad GPD said. When you think of school, elementary, middle, high school, college, what comes to mind?


Books, homework, maybe some awkward teenage years, and a few life lessons thrown in. But here's a bigger question. What's the real purpose of education? Is it truly about preparing us for life, teaching us how to think, or is it some or is it something else entirely? Because what if, just what if, the education system wasn't designed to set us free, but to keep us in line?


Think about it. From the moment we step into a classroom, there's a script. We learn how to read, how to do math, how to memorize historical dates and periodic tables. But something's missing. Critical thinking, real world problem solving, understanding the deep interconnection between humans and nature, not so much.


Instead, it's a system built on standardization. One size fits all. It teaches kids how to follow rules, how to compete, and how to pass tests, but not necessarily how to think for themselves. And here's where it gets interesting. History isn't just what happened, it's what we've been told happens.


And who decides what's in those history books? Who gets to decide what's relevant and what gets left out? Stories of revolutionaries who fought oppressive systems, alternative healing methods, ancient wisdom that could empower us, gone. Replaced with a tidy, controlled version of reality because the more you think within the box, the less likely you are to wonder what's outside of it. Now, here's something wild to consider.


Schools don't just teach facts, they teach behavior. We're taught that obedience equals success. Follow the rules. Memorize the material. Get the grades.


Get the job. Simple. But what happens if you question the system? If you challenge your teachers, if you color outside the lines, well you get labeled troublemaker, underachiever, problem child. It's subtle but powerful.


Kids quickly learn. Conformity is rewarded. Curiosity that challenges the system, well, that's dangerous. And this isn't accidental. It's a carefully designed feedback loop.


Reward the rule followers. Sideline the questioners. Let's shift gears for a second. Remember school lunches, processed pizza, chocolate milk, and microwavable mystery meat? We know by now that food fuels the mind.


Right? So why is the food we give to developing brains packed with sugar, processed carbs, and artificial everything? It's almost like they want kids sluggish, distracted, and unable to focus. And when kids do start bouncing off the walls from all that sugar, ADHD, anxiety, behavioral issues. Here's a pill for that.


It's a cycle. Junk food leads to behavioral problems. Behavioral problems lead to diagnosises. Diagnosises lead to medication. And just like that, you've got a kid who's not only nutritionally depleted but now chemically managed.


So now let's say you made it through k-twelve. You played the game. Next stop, college. And here's where the system really shows a 10 because now you're not just chasing knowledge, you're chasing a degree. And that degree, it comes with a price tag.


Student loans have become the modern version of economic shackles. You're 22, fresh out of college, and already buried under thousands, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt. Now you can't take risks. You can't rebel. You can't afford to.


You're stuck in the very system you were educated into. And now let's talk about screens. Tablets, laptops, digital whiteboards, every kid has a screen in front of them by the time they hit kindergarten. Sure, it's convenient. It's efficient.


But here's the real question, who's controlling the content on those screens? Algorithms track learning habits, AI suggest lessons, and slowly but surely education becomes a controlled stream of information carefully curated by unseen hands. The more time kids spend on screens, the more disconnected they become from the natural world and from themselves. And isn't that the point? Because a disconnected person is easier to influence, easier to sell to, easier to control.


So you might be wondering, why would anyone want to control education? What's the end game here? Simple. If you control education, you control perception. You shape the world view of an entire population before they're old enough to question it.


You can make sure that people grow up trusting the system, never asking who built it or why. And here's the scariest part. It works. Generations have been raised to see the world not as it is, but as the system wants them to see it. So where does that lead us?


Well, here's the thing. You wouldn't you wouldn't work so hard to control education if knowledge wasn't powerful because real education, it's not about memorizing dates or passing tests. It's about expanding consciousness. It's about asking questions that the system doesn't want you to ask, like who benefits from this structure, what truths have been hidden, and most importantly, what would happen if we broke free? That's the rabbit hole, my friends.


And the deeper you go, the clearer it becomes. Education isn't just about learning. It's about control. But here's the good news. Now that you see it, you can't unsee it, and that's where real education begins.


Okay. So that's what ChatGPT that's how ChatGPT answered that question. And, again, I don't know what to say other than he, she, they, them nailed it. Right? I mean, think about it.


If you were evil and wanted to control a population, a major focus of your plan would be on the education system. Right? Because you have the power and ability to shape the developing minds of young people in the image you see fit. And you get to program their minds without their parents being present, which is crazy to think about. Because once your child becomes old enough to go to school, they spend a good portion of their waking hours being indoctrinated by strangers.


Now I'm not knocking teachers. My mom was a teacher, and teachers are good people, and we need more of them. I'm just saying this whole system is weird. And all of this makes me think about the origins of our modern education system. Do you know who created it?


Do you know where it came from? Well, buckle up because what I'm about to say isn't just a conspiracy theory, it's the conspiracy theory. It's the one that gives us insight into who they, quote unquote, they are. You and you know what I'm talking about. Right?


See, you hear things like they don't want you to know this. They want you sick, disconnected, and weak. And after hearing these types of statements, the first question is always, well, who's they? Well, I'm about to tell you who they are. See, you see our modern world, our industries, our education system, and even our health care has been created and shaped by just a few powerful families.


And I'm not going to go into all the families now because for this episode, we really just need to focus on one. And I'm willing to bet that this family's name is one you've most likely heard before. It's a name that is displayed everywhere on numerous buildings, libraries, foundations, and institutions. And of course, it's a name that gets thrown around the conspiratorial world all the time. But here's the wild part.


Most people have no idea why this name carries so much weight. So what family am I talking about? Well, the Rockefellers. Now their story, it's not a fairy tale. It's not some American dream success story.


It's more like a snake oil to billionaire saga. And when I say snake oil, I am being literal. See, the patriarch of the Rockefeller family, William Avery Rockefeller senior, was a full blown con man. See, back in the late eighteen hundreds, he traveled town to town posing as doctor William Livingston. A fake name, fake title, fake doctor.


His specialty, selling miracle elixirs, AKA snake oil, to desperate people. He promised cures for everything from baldness to cancer knowing full well it was all a scam. And here's the poetic twist. Alright. His family ended up selling a different kind of snake oil to the entire world.


See, enter John d Rockefeller, William's son. John didn't just inherit his father's cunning. He took it to a whole new level. See, in 1916, John d Rockefeller became the world's first billionaire. So let that sink in for a second.


See, we talked about how much see, we've talked about how much money a billion dollars is many times on this podcast, but it's even crazier when it comes to John d Rockefeller because he became a billionaire at a time when the average American made 500 to $1,000 per year. That's right. You you heard that right. 500 to $1,000 per year. That kind of wealth disparity is impossible to comprehend.


So how did he do it? How did he make his money? Standard Oil. See, John d founded the Standard Oil Company and quickly transformed it into the world's first true monopoly. But he didn't play fair.


He used dirty tactics, bribery, aggressive takeovers, and ruthless strategies to crush his competition. And he didn't just build an empire, he built the blueprint for corporate control. And if this is interesting to you and you wanna go deeper, check out the documentary called How Big Oil Conquered the World by James Corbett. It's a game changer and it goes into all this in much deeper context. And so if you're interested, I will put a link to that documentary in the show notes.


But alright. Back to John d. So here's where this story ties into the educational conspiracy. See, because John d Rockefeller didn't stop at oil. No.


He he used his immense wealth to influence politics, medicine, banking, and most importantly, education. Now you might think, well, at least he gave back. Right? Well, wrong. See, Rockefeller's goal wasn't to uplift society or create a nation of innovators.


It was much simpler and much darker. He wanted to mass produce compliant workers, cogs in the machine, cogs in his machine. He even said it himself. See, John Dee said, I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers.


So let that sit for a second. The education system we all went through, the one still in place today was designed to do exactly that. It wasn't built to foster creativity, critical thinking, or independence. It was built to create people who would follow orders, hit deadlines, and never question the system. See, thanks to John d Rockefeller, we've all been conditioned and programmed to be good little workers, to wake up, clock in, grind it out, go home day after day, year after year, not to make us smarter or more capable or to expand our consciousness, but solely for the benefit of the ruling class.


I mean, we really are living in the matrix. We really live in a world where we go to school to be programmed and trained so that all of our energy will be used to support the machine and our overlords. And the craziest part, no one seems to care, Or maybe no one knows. Or maybe we're just all in denial, which is absolutely mind blowing because when you really think about it, this means that the education system is actually not broken. In fact, it's working perfectly.


It's doing exactly what it was designed to do, which is to keep us ignorant, obedient, and asleep, which is wild. I mean, this is the world we are living in. And, but I don't wanna be all doom and gloom. So now let's imagine the opposite. Let's imagine that we live in a world where the education system was actually designed to help us reach our full potential, a world where the school system is designed to celebrate your unique abilities.


Imagine a school system where creativity is the core, not memorizing dates or taking standardized tests, A system where the goal is to make a system where the goal isn't to make you a cog in the machine, but to help you master yourself. A school more like Hogwarts or a Jedi Academy where you don't just learn to pass tests, you learn to master yourself where you learn to grow your own food, build your own home, develop a strong capable body, cook real food, understand natural medicines, meditate and practice energy work, learn emotional intelligence, financial literacy, and spiritual development. Can you imagine that? Can you imagine how much different and better our world would be? Well, here's the thing.


This is not some wild fantasy. This this is how education could be and should be, but it all comes down to this. If knowledge is power, then controlling education is the ultimate tool either for liberation or control. So maybe it's time we take that power back. See you on the other side.

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