Existence Random or Intelligent

Where does life come from? Or maybe a better question would be, where does existence come from? Existence can be defined as basically anything and everything, life, the planets, stars and solar systems. So where does it all come from?
Where does life come from? Or maybe a better question would be, where does existence come from? Existence can be defined as basically anything and everything, life, the planets, stars and solar systems. So where does it all come from?

Is it all a product of some grand design, of some greater intelligence? 

Or is it a product of random events taking place over a near infinite time scale? 

Who knows?!?!

This is one of life's ultimate questions and the answers or actually theories (because there is no agreeable answer) so the theoretical answers to this question have sparked a debate that has lasted well, forever, or at least as long as we humans have been able to contemplate our existence.  

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